Attribute VB_Name = "sudoku" Option Explicit Sub Notes() '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The code presented here performs the following sudoku tasks: ' (Puzzles as assumed to be in the 81 character string format) ' ' Checks that a puzzle is solvable (has at least one solution) ' see Function PuzzleIsSolvable() boolean ' Checks that a puzzle has only one unique solution ' see Function PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions() boolean ' Randomly creates a new solution (2 different algorithms) ' see Function CreateSolution() returns 81 character string ' see Function CreateSolution2() returns 81 character string ' Randomly creates a new puzzle ' see function CreatePuzzleFromSolution() ' ' ' Variables: ' ' Row and Col, integers 1-9 ' Cell(row,col) Integer, 0 for unsolved cell, 1-9 for solved cells ' Locked(row,col) Boolean Indicates location of 'givens' ' Poss(row,col) 9 digit string, possible candidates for a cell "123456789" ' ' ' ' by John Musgrave ' ' ' ' Written in Visual Basic 6.0 ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Sub Function PuzzleIsValid(puzzle As String, Solution As String) As Boolean 'PuzzleIsValid is true when puzzle is solvable and has one unique solution Dim Solution2 As String 'not returned 'puzzle must be an 81 character string of numbers If PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions(puzzle, Solution, Solution2) Then 'puzzle is solvable but has multiple solutions 'return false and return Solution (first solution) Else 'not multisolution, possibly unsolvable so check Solution 'if valid then solution will be an 81 character string of numbers (all non zero) If Len(Solution) = 81 Then 'solvable and 1 solution PuzzleIsValid = True Else 'puzzle not solvable - leave solution blank (tells calling subroutine that puzzle is insolvable) End If End If End Function Function CreateNewPuzzle(PairsOnly As Boolean) As String 'can take anywhere from a few seconds to 30 seconds or more 'when PairsOnly is true, puzzle will be symmetrical, creating will be faster, puzzle will be less difficult Dim puzzle As String 'create unique solution puzzle = CreateSolution 'create puzzle 'Call CreatePuzzleFromSolution(puzzle) Call CreatePuzzleFromSolutionByPairs(puzzle, PairsOnly) CreateNewPuzzle = puzzle End Function Function CreateSolution2() As String '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create a new, randomly generated 81 digit string. (a solved puzzle) ' 'This algorithm is different than Function CreateSolution() in this way: ' ' 1). The number 1 is placed randomly in each box, checking for conflicts ' 2). This process is repeated for numbers 2 thru 9 ' ' This algorithm will encounter a dead end > 99% of the time ' However, because it is more efficient than Function CreateSolution() ' (ie. it doesn't search for naked/hidden singles) Function CreateSolution() ' it will return a new solution more quickly than ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer 'stores the value (1-9) for each cell. Cell(row,column) = 0 for unsolved cells Dim poss(9, 9) As String 'stores a 9 digit string of all possible candidates for a cell. All cells start with poss() value "123456789" Poss(row,col) = "" for solved cells Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean 'givens are locked (not applicable in this function) Dim BoxRow() As Integer Dim BoxCol() As Integer Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim Digit As Integer Dim DeadEndCounter As Integer Dim DeadEnd As Boolean Dim box As Integer Dim z As Integer Dim counter As Integer Dim r1 As Integer Dim c1 As Integer Do DeadEnd = False Call ClearCells(Cell(), locked(), poss()) For Digit = 1 To 9 For box = 1 To 9 ReDim BoxRow(9) ReDim BoxCol(9) counter = 0 Call GetBoxInit(box, r1, c1) 'look at each cell in box. Make sure cell() is zero (available) and has no conflicts in other rows/columns For row = r1 To r1 + 2 For col = c1 To c1 + 2 If RowHasNumber(row, col, Digit, Cell()) = False Then If ColumnHasNumber(row, col, Digit, Cell()) = False Then 'make sure cell is available (could have other digit in it) 'increment counter if cell is ok and save cell in BoxRow() BoxCol() arrays If Cell(row, col) = 0 Then counter = counter + 1 BoxRow(counter) = row BoxCol(counter) = col End If End If End If Next col Next row If counter <> 0 Then 'counter = number available cells in box 'place digit randomly in available cell of box 'randomly pick from array z = GetRandomNumber(counter) 'assign digit to cell Cell(BoxRow(z), BoxCol(z)) = Digit Else DeadEnd = True DeadEndCounter = DeadEndCounter + 1 End If If DeadEnd Then Exit For If DeadEnd Then Exit For Next box If DeadEnd Then Exit For Next Digit Loop While DeadEnd CreateSolution2 = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) 'MsgBox DeadEndCounter, , Format(1 / DeadEndCounter, "percent") End Function Function CreateSolution() As String '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Create a new, randomly generated 81 digit string. (a solved puzzle) ' ' Start with a blank grid and add random numbers until finding a valid solution ' ' The algorithm used here is as followes: ' ' 1). Place a random number in a random cell ' 2). Check for conflicts ' 3). If no conflicts, look for naked singles and hidden singles in the remaining cells ' 4). Check for dead end (one or more cells with no possible candidates. Starts from scratch if encounters a dead end) ' 5). Continue until puzzle is finished ' ' This algorithm will encounter a dead end appox 60% of the time. If one removes the ' search for singles (step #3), the dead end rate is > 99.9 % ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer 'stores the value (1-9) for each cell. Cell(row,column) = 0 for unsolved cells Dim poss(9, 9) As String 'stores a 9 digit string of all possible candidates for a cell. All cells start with poss() value "123456789" Poss(row,col) = "" for solved cells Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean 'givens are locked (not applicable in this function) Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim MyNum As Integer Dim MyPuzzle As String Dim Success As Boolean Dim Repeat As Boolean Dim FoundCell As Boolean Dim DeadEnd As Boolean Do 'start from scratch Call ClearCells(Cell(), locked(), poss()) Do 'pick a random cell and assign a random value to it (1-9) row = GetRandomNumber(9) col = GetRandomNumber(9) Do If Cell(row, col) = 0 Then 'cell is available 'randomly pick a number from the possible candidates for this cell (this avoids conflict with other solved cells in row, column, and box) MyNum = GetNumFromPoss(row, col, poss()) 'assign value to cell Cell(row, col) = MyNum FoundCell = True 'flag to exit loop 'update the poss() array (remove MyNum from potential candidates in related cells) Call UpdateRelatedCells(row, col, MyNum, Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) 'here DeadEnd should never be true Else 'cell already used - move to next available cell (start search at cell(row,col)) Call GetFirstAvailableCell(Cell(), row, col) 'randomly selected cell was already used, so start with row 1 col 1 and search for next available cell 'loop back and check cell (should be available) End If Loop Until FoundCell FoundCell = False 'reset for next loop 'now look for hidden and naked singles in Poss() array (possible candidates in each unsolved cell) Do Repeat = False 'repeat allows search for naked singles when hidden singles are found 'look for naked singles in all cells Call PromoteNakedSingles(Cell(), poss(), Repeat, False) 'repeat is false then no naked singles found If Not Repeat Then 'naked single not found , look for hidden singles Call PromoteHiddenSingles(Cell(), poss(), Repeat, False) End If Loop While Repeat 'found a single, recheck If PuzzleIsDone(Cell()) Then 'all cells have value <> 0 cell(row,col) Success = True 'flag to exit outer loop Exit Do End If 'check for dead end - (unsolved cell with no possible candidates, happens just above 50% of the time) If FoundDeadEnd(Cell(), poss()) Then 'Hit a dead end, start over Success = False 'should already be false but just in case Call ClearCells(Cell(), locked(), poss()) 're-initiate all values Exit Do 'outer loop will return to top End If Loop Loop Until Success = True 'Done! 'create 81 character string from cell(row,col) array MyPuzzle = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) 'place in clipboard for pasting to other application (Ctrl+V) Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetText (MyPuzzle) 'return value to calling routine CreateSolution = MyPuzzle End Function Sub GetFirstAvailableCell(Cell() As Integer, row As Integer, col As Integer) 'returns the row and column of the next available cell (where cell(row,col) = 0) Dim counter As Integer For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) = 0 Then Exit Sub 'returns row and col to calling routine End If Next col Next row End Sub Function NumberGivensInCells(Cell() As Integer) As Integer Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim counter As Integer For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next col Next row NumberGivensInCells = counter End Function Function NumberGivensInString(MyString As String) As Integer Dim counter As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim MyChar As String If Len(MyString) <> 81 Then MsgBox "string is invalid" Exit Function End If For x = 1 To 81 MyChar = Mid(MyString, x, 1) If Val(MyChar) <> 0 Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next x NumberGivensInString = counter End Function Sub GetNextAvailableCell(Cell() As Integer, row As Integer, col As Integer) 'returns the row and column of the next available cell (where cell(r,c) <> 0) 'starts in row, col Dim counter As Integer Do col = col + 1 If col > 9 Then col = 1 row = row + 1 If row > 9 Then 'return to top left cell row = 1 col = 0 End If End If If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then Exit Do 'returns row and col to calling routine End If counter = counter + 1 Loop While counter < 81 'prevent endless loop (solved puzzle) End Sub Sub RemoveNumberFromPoss(row As Integer, col As Integer, MyNum As Integer, poss() As String) 'this sub removes a digit (myNum) from all poss() in cells related to cell in row & col 'example, removing a 4: "123456789" becomes "123 56789" 'update the poss() array (possible candidates) for all the cells in the row, column, and box for this cell (row,col) 'remove MyNum from the possible candidates in those cells Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim box As Integer Dim r1 As Integer Dim c1 As Integer 'remove mynum from all poss() in ROW For x = 1 To 9 Mid(poss(row, x), MyNum, 1) = " " Next x 'remove mynum from all POSS() in COLUMN For x = 1 To 9 Mid(poss(x, col), MyNum, 1) = " " Next x 'remove mynum from all poss() in BOX box = GetBoxNumber(row, col) 'Box 1-9 Call GetBoxInit(box, r1, c1) 'r1 c1 is upper left cell in box For x = r1 To r1 + 2 For y = c1 To c1 + 2 Mid(poss(x, y), MyNum, 1) = " " Next y Next x End Sub Function GetNumFromPoss(row As Integer, col As Integer, poss() As String) As Integer 'look at all the possible candidates (poss() array) for this cell. pick one candidate randomly to assign to this cell Dim N(9) As String '9 possible candidates in cell (but some may have been removed) 'poss() is 9 characters long. eliminated candidates are spaces (like Poss(row,col) = "123 56 9") Dim x As Integer Dim counter As Integer Dim Digit As String Dim zip As Integer counter = 1 'don't use element zero in this array If Trim(poss(row, col)) = "" Then 'no possible values for this cell GetNumFromPoss = -1 'flag for bad cell, must have hit dead end (this may never happen) Else 'create array of candidates for this cell (read poss(), return one at random For x = 1 To 9 Digit = Mid(poss(row, col), x, 1) If Digit <> " " Then N(counter) = Val(Digit) counter = counter + 1 End If Next x 'pick from the array randomly zip = GetRandomNumber(counter - 1) 'ie. if zip = 6 then pick 6th element in array GetNumFromPoss = N(zip) 'return value to calling subroutine End If End Function Function CreateStringFromCells(Cell() As Integer) As String 'read cell(row,col) array and create an 81 character string Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim MyPuzzle As String For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 MyPuzzle = MyPuzzle & Trim(Str(Cell(row, col))) 'need trim because str() function returns 2 digit string (like " 3") Next col Next row CreateStringFromCells = MyPuzzle End Function Function NumCellsLeft(Cell() As Integer, req() As Boolean) 'used when creating a new puzzle 'count number of cells left that are not zero (blank) and not required (req(row,col)) 'arrays ' Cell(row,col) value of cell (zero if blank) ' Req(row,col) boolean true if cell is required (removing it will cause multi solution situation) Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim counter As Integer For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then If Not req(row, col) Then counter = counter + 1 End If End If Next col Next row NumCellsLeft = counter End Function Sub CreatePuzzleFromSolutionByPairs(MyPuzzle As String, PairsOnly As Boolean) 'Using this method, a puzzle will always be solvable. Puzzle validity mentioned 'here means that a puzzle has one solution only 'Remove cells in pairs ' 'to create a puzzle, start with a solved puzzle (MyPuzzle) and randomly remove pairs 'of cells. Theses pairs are 'reflections' of each other to create puzzle symmetry '(ie. r9c9 is a reflection of r1c1) 'as each pair is removed, validity is checked (no multiple solutions) 'if a pair removal causes an invalid puzzle, the pair becomes locked via the locked(row,col) boolean 'once all remaining pairs are locked: ' if PairsOnly is true, then the puzzle is finished (works faster but puzzle is less difficult) ' if PairsOnly is false, then each individual cell is tested ' (see if removing it retains puzzle validity) 'When PairsOnly is true, puzzle will always be symmetrical Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean 'cells become locked when removing them results in a multi solution problems (invalid puzzle) Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim OldValue As Integer Dim TempPuzzle As String Dim r1, c1, r2, c2 As Integer 'pairs of cell Dim OldValue1 As Integer Dim OldValue2 As Integer 'fill the cell() array from the 81 character string Call FillCells(MyPuzzle, Cell(), locked()) 'now unlocked all cells For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 locked(row, col) = False Next col Next row 'kill center cell Cell(5, 5) = 0 Do 'find a pair of cells R1,C1 R2,C2 (reflections of each other) 'remove from puzzle and test validity 'get first cell If AllCellsLocked(Cell(), locked()) Then 'can't remove any more pairs Exit Do End If Do 'pick a random cell , make sure it is non zero and not locked() r1 = GetRandomNumber(9) c1 = GetRandomNumber(9) Loop Until Cell(r1, c1) <> 0 And locked(r1, c1) = False 'get cell reflection - should already be non zero r2 = 10 - r1 c2 = 10 - c1 'save values for restore if needed OldValue1 = Cell(r1, c1) OldValue2 = Cell(r2, c2) 'remove the cells from the puzzle Cell(r1, c1) = 0 Cell(r2, c2) = 0 'create 81 character string from cells TempPuzzle = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) If PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions(TempPuzzle, "", "") Then 'restore last pair removed Cell(r1, c1) = OldValue1 Cell(r2, c2) = OldValue2 'lock the cells, they're needed locked(r1, c1) = True locked(r2, c2) = True End If Loop 'at this point, all remaining cells are locked, no pairs can be removed If Not PairsOnly Then 'see if any single cell can be removed (takes more time but creates a more difficult puzzle) 'this will cause the puzzle to be less symmetrical For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then 'see if number can be removed without causing a multisolution situation OldValue = Cell(row, col) Cell(row, col) = 0 TempPuzzle = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) If PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions(TempPuzzle, "", "") Then 'need this cell Cell(row, col) = OldValue End If End If Next col Next row End If 'return the new puzzl to the calling subroutine MyPuzzle = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) End Sub Function AllCellsLocked(Cell() As Integer, locked() As Boolean) As Boolean 'return true if all non zero cells are locked Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then If Not locked(row, col) Then Exit Function End If End If Next col Next row AllCellsLocked = True End Function Sub CreatePuzzleFromSolutionAlt(MySolution As String, MyPuzzle As String) 'send MySolution to this sub, MyPuzzle is returned 'this sub creates a puzzle by starting with a blank puzzle 'but knowing the solution (MyPuzzle) 'cells are picked randomly to create givens 'after 17 cells are set, validity is checked after each addition Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer Dim poss(9, 9) As String Dim req(9, 9) As Boolean 'required cell, removing it causes multi solution situation Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean 'givens (hints). not required in this sub but needed for FillCell() routine Dim CellCount As Integer Dim TestPuzz As String Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer 'fill the cell() array from the 81 character string Call ClearCells(Cell(), locked(), poss()) 'randomly add cells Do 'find a cell to add (Cell() = 0) '---------------------------------- Do 'inspect random cell. need a cell where cell() = 0 'if cell is blank, move to next available cell row = GetRandomNumber(9) col = GetRandomNumber(9) If Cell(row, col) = 0 Then 'found good cell, ok to blank this cell Cell(row, col) = GetCellFromString(row, col, MySolution) Else 'can't use cell, get next available cell Call GetNextAvailableCell(Cell(), row, col) End If Loop While Cell(row, col) = 0 ' '---------------------------------- CellCount = CellCount + 1 'found a cell to remove (cell(row,col) 'check for validity (see if removing that cell causes a multi-solution puzzle) If CellCount > 17 Then TestPuzz = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) If PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions(TestPuzz, MyPuzzle, "") Then 'need to add more cells Form2.Caption = CellCount Form2.Refresh Else MsgBox "done" MyPuzzle = TestPuzz Exit Sub 'return MyPuzzle to calling routine End If End If Loop End Sub Sub CreatePuzzleFromSolution(MyPuzzle As String) 'MyPuzzle is an 81 character string, solved puzzle 'to create a puzzle to solve, randomly blank cells 'and check for validity after each removal (no multiple solutions) 'when finished, all givens are required (removing any of them causes multi-solution situation) 'this subroutine usually takes 1 to 10 seconds to complete Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer Dim req(9, 9) As Boolean 'required cell, removing it causes multi solution situation Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean 'givens (hints). not required in this sub but needed for FillCell() routine Dim TestPuzz As String Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim Cool As Boolean Dim OldValue As Integer Dim Xoffset As Integer 'for creating reflection of cells Dim Yoffset As Integer Dim OffsetCounter As Integer Dim MyLoc As Integer '1-4 1 = NW 2 = NE 3 = SE 4 = SW indicates reflections of found cell Dim s1 As String Dim DeadEnd As Boolean 'fill the cell() array from the 81 character string Call FillCells(MyPuzzle, Cell(), locked()) 'locked() array is ignored here but required by other subroutines OffsetCounter = -1 'to start Dim rr As Integer Dim cc As Integer 'randomly delete cells Do 'see if any remaining cells can be removed If NumCellsLeft(Cell(), req()) = 0 Then 'done - puzzle is valid (one solution only) and no more cells can be removed TestPuzz = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) MyPuzzle = TestPuzz Exit Sub End If OffsetCounter = OffsetCounter + 1 'find a cell to remove (Cell() <> 0 and req() = false) If (OffsetCounter / 4) = Int(OffsetCounter / 4) Then 'generate random cell every 4th loop, the other 3 cells are reflections of 1st cell 'find new random cell MyLoc = 1 'reset to 1st of 4 cells row = GetRandomNumber(9) col = GetRandomNumber(9) OldValue = 0 'reset Else 'get reflection of cell MyLoc = MyLoc + 1 Select Case MyLoc Case 2 'NE rr = col cc = 10 - row row = rr col = cc Case 3 'SE rr = 10 - row cc = 10 - col row = rr col = cc Case 4 'SW rr = 10 - col cc = row row = rr col = cc End Select End If Do 'inspect random cell. need a cell where cell() <> 0 and req() = false 'if cell is blank, move to next available cell If Cell(row, col) <> 0 And Not req(row, col) Then 'found good cell, ok to blank this cell OldValue = Cell(row, col) 'save for restore if needed Cell(row, col) = 0 Else 'can't use cell, get next available cell Call GetNextAvailableCell(Cell(), row, col) End If Loop While OldValue = 0 'found unsolved cell, loop to find different cell 'found a cell to remove (cell(row,col) 'check for validity (see if removing that cell causes a multi-solution puzzle) TestPuzz = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) If PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions(TestPuzz, s1, "") Then 'cell(row,col) is required 'restore it Cell(row, col) = OldValue req(row, col) = True 'don't allow this cell to be removed Else 'no multisolution situation, still make sure puzzle is valid (shouldn't happen, this is a safeguard) 'look at s1 If Len(s1) <> 81 Then MsgBox "puzzle is not solvable" Exit Sub End If End If Loop End Sub Function PuzzleIsSolvable(puzzle As String, SolvedPuzzle As String, forward As Boolean) As Boolean 'forward true means 1-9 false means 9-1 '(see Function PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions to see how FORWARD is used) 'proves that puzzle is solvable (but could have multiple solutions) 'solve puzzle using brute force and naked/hidden singles - returns true when solvable and solution is returned (SolvedPuzzle 81 character string) 'enter puzzle, returns SolvedPuzzle (both are 81 character strings) Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer 'single digit value for each cell (1-9, zero for empty cells) Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean 'locked cells are givens (hints) Dim poss(9, 9) As String 'string array of possible candidates for each cell (starts as "123456789") Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim DeadEnd As Boolean Dim Digit As Integer 'initialize cell() and locked() arrays Call ClearCells(Cell(), locked(), poss()) 'enter all givens (hints) and lock those cells Call FillCells(puzzle, Cell(), locked()) If HasConflicts(Cell(), locked()) Then 'a conflict occurs when a digit appears twice in a house SolvedPuzzle = "" 'tells calling routine that puzzle isn't solvable Exit Function End If 'Puzzle is solved when all cells have a value If PuzzleIsDone(Cell()) Then SolvedPuzzle = puzzle PuzzleIsSolvable = True Exit Function End If 'not solved, compute the poss() array (possible candidates for each cell) Call UpdatePossAllCells(Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) If DeadEnd Then 'one or more cells have no possible candidate SolvedPuzzle = "" 'tells calling routine that puzzle isn't solvable Exit Function End If row = 1 col = 1 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do 'find unsolved cell Call FindNextCell(row, col, Cell()) If row = -1 Then 'all cells are done SolvedPuzzle = CreateStringFromCells(Cell()) Exit Do End If 'get first possible value for this cell (get from Poss()) Cell(row, col) = GetFirstPossibleValue(row, col, poss(), forward) 'remove cell value from poss() in related cells Call UpdateRelatedCells(row, col, Cell(row, col), Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) 'first look for singles (naked and hidden) If Not DeadEnd Then ' Call SearchForSingles(Cell(), poss(), locked(), DeadEnd) End If Do While DeadEnd If row = -1 Then 'puzzle is not solvable Exit Do End If 'value in current row/col caused a dead end. use another value or return to previous cell Call HandleDeadEnd(row, col, Cell(), poss(), locked(), DeadEnd, forward) Loop Loop While DeadEnd = False '----------------------------------------------------------------------- If Len(SolvedPuzzle) = 81 Then PuzzleIsSolvable = True End If End Function Sub HandleDeadEnd(row As Integer, col As Integer, Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, locked() As Boolean, DeadEnd As Boolean, forward As Boolean) Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim Digit As Integer 'current value in this cell causes a dead end 'find a different value for this cell 'if unable, blank this cell and move to previous cell Do 'current cell's value causes a dead end 'Get next value for this cell (digit) 'save current cell value Digit = Cell(row, col) 'blank this cell and all unlocked downstream cells, updating the poss() array Call RemoveAllUnlockedCells(row, col, Cell(), locked(), poss(), DeadEnd) 'try to find new value for this cell (look at its poss()) Digit = GetNextPossThisCell(row, col, Digit, poss(), forward) If Digit = 0 Then 'no more possibles this cell 'clear this cell and all unlocked cells downstream, then move to previous cell Do Call PrevCell(row, col) If row = -1 Then 'puzzle not solvable DeadEnd = True Exit Sub End If Loop While locked(row, col) 'have new cell - loop back to top Else 'digit <> 0 'assign digit to cell Cell(row, col) = Digit DeadEnd = False 'reset 'update the poss() array for related cell(), check for deadend Call UpdateRelatedCells(row, col, Digit, Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) End If Loop While DeadEnd End Sub Sub RemoveAllUnlockedCells(row As Integer, col As Integer, Cell() As Integer, locked() As Boolean, poss() As String, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'current cell's just changed to zero 'some cell past this cell may have values created from hidden/naked singles 'these are no longer valid so all unlocked cell past this current cell must be changed to zero (and poss() array must be updated) Dim r As Integer 'we don't want to change value of row or col to calling routine Dim c As Integer Dim Digit As Integer r = row c = col Do If locked(r, c) = False Then Digit = Cell(r, c) If Digit <> 0 Then 'unlocked cell, has value, change to zero and update poss() Cell(r, c) = 0 'update the poss() array for related cells Call UpdateRelatedCells(r, c, Digit, Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) End If End If c = c + 1 If c > 9 Then c = 1 r = r + 1 If r > 9 Then Exit Do End If Loop End Sub Function GetNextPossThisCell(row As Integer, col As Integer, MyNum As Integer, poss() As String, forward As Boolean) As Integer 'this cell has a value. find it in poss() and return next number in poss Dim x As Integer Dim K As String x = MyNum 'read poss() and get next possible candidate If forward Then '1-9 Do x = x + 1 If x > 9 Then Exit Do K = Mid(poss(row, col), x, 1) Loop While Val(K) = 0 Else 'backwards '9-1 Do x = x - 1 If x < 1 Then Exit Do K = Mid(poss(row, col), x, 1) Loop While Val(K) = 0 End If GetNextPossThisCell = Val(K) End Function Function GetFirstPossibleValue(row As Integer, col As Integer, poss() As String, forward As Boolean) Dim x As Integer Dim K As String If forward Then x = 0 Do x = x + 1 If x > 9 Then Exit Do K = Mid(poss(row, col), x, 1) Loop While Val(K) = 0 Else 'backwards x = 10 Do x = x - 1 If x < 1 Then Exit Do K = Mid(poss(row, col), x, 1) Loop While Val(K) = 0 End If GetFirstPossibleValue = Val(K) End Function Sub FindPrevCell(row As Integer, col As Integer, Cell() As Integer, locked() As Boolean, poss() As String) 'cell(row,col) is dead end poss() is blank 'move to previous unlocked cell and increment its value 'note: all cells before this cell will have a value (no blank cells) Do col = col - 1 If col < 1 Then col = 9 row = row - 1 If row < 1 Then row = -1 Exit Sub End If End If Loop While locked(row, col) End Sub Sub FindNextCell(row As Integer, col As Integer, Cell() As Integer) 'find next blank cell, return row and column 'starts at supplied row and column If row < 0 Then Exit Sub Do Until Cell(row, col) = 0 col = col + 1 If col > 9 Then col = 1 row = row + 1 If row > 9 Then row = -1 Exit Sub End If End If Loop End Sub Sub UpdateRelatedCells2(row As Integer, col As Integer, Digit As Integer, Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'similar to Sub UpdateRelatedCells() but this sub ADDS to poss() for digit removed from a cell 'digit was set for cell(row,col). digit = previous value of cell(row,col). need to restore digit in poss() for related cells 'update poss() for all visible cells, ADDING digit to poss() 'if cell(row, col) <> 0 then value is being added to cell. need to remove digit from poss() in related cells 'but if cell(row, col) = 0 then value is being REMOVED from cell. need to update poss() in related cells Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim box As Integer Dim r1 As Integer Dim c1 As Integer Dim ThisNumber As String Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer 'replace digit in poss() in all related cells 'look in all poss() this row 'we want to add digit to poss for this cell(row,c) 'but need to make sure that digit isn't present in col c or box (were already checking row) 'check each cell in row (must check column 'check row For c = 1 To 9 'see if is in column If CellCanSeeADigit(row, c, Digit, Cell()) = False Then Mid(poss(row, c), Digit, 1) = Trim(Str(Digit)) End If Next c 'check column For r = 1 To 9 'see if is in column If CellCanSeeADigit(r, col, Digit, Cell()) = False Then Mid(poss(r, col), Digit, 1) = Trim(Str(Digit)) End If Next r 'box box = GetBoxNumber(row, col) Call GetBoxInit(box, r1, c1) 'look in all poss() this box For r = r1 To r1 + 2 For c = c1 To c1 + 2 If CellCanSeeADigit(r, c, Digit, Cell()) = False Then Mid(poss(r, c), Digit, 1) = Trim(Str(Digit)) End If Next c Next r End Sub Function CellCanSeeADigit(row As Integer, col As Integer, Digit As Integer, Cell() As Integer) As Boolean 'look in row, column, and box for this cell 'look for digit in any of those houses If RowHasNumber(row, col, Digit, Cell()) Then CellCanSeeADigit = True Exit Function End If If ColumnHasNumber(row, col, Digit, Cell()) Then CellCanSeeADigit = True Exit Function End If If BoxHasNumber(row, col, Digit, Cell()) Then CellCanSeeADigit = True Exit Function End If 'must be false End Function Sub UpdateRelatedCells(row As Integer, col As Integer, Digit As Integer, Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'digit was set for cell(row,col) 'update poss() for all visible cells, removing digit, except in poss(row,col) 'if cell(row, col) <> 0 then value is being added to cell. need to remove digit from poss() in related cells 'but if cell(row, col) = 0 then value is being REMOVED from cell. need to update poss() in related cells Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim box As Integer Dim r1 As Integer Dim c1 As Integer If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then 'remove digit from poss() in all related cells 'remove digit from poss() this row For c = 1 To 9 If c <> col Then Mid(poss(row, c), Digit, 1) = " " If Trim(poss(row, c)) = "" Then DeadEnd = True 'Exit Sub End If End If Next c 'remove digit from poss() this column For r = 1 To 9 If r <> row Then Mid(poss(r, col), Digit, 1) = " " If Trim(poss(r, col)) = "" Then DeadEnd = True 'Exit Sub End If End If Next r box = GetBoxNumber(row, col) Call GetBoxInit(box, r1, c1) 'remove digit from poss() in box For r = r1 To r1 + 2 For c = c1 To c1 + 2 If r <> row Or c <> col Then Mid(poss(r, c), Digit, 1) = " " If Trim(poss(r, c)) = "" Then DeadEnd = True 'Exit Sub End If End If Next c Next r Else 'cell(row,col) = 0 digit is its previous value 'need to put digit back in poss() for related cells Call UpdateRelatedCells2(row, col, Digit, Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) End If End Sub Sub UpdatePossAllCells(Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'do this by looking at all non zero cells and affecting poss array Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim box As Integer Dim Digit As String Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Call ClearPoss(poss()) For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then Digit = Trim(Str(Cell(row, col))) 'remove digit from poss() in all visible cells 'row For c = 1 To 9 If c <> col Then Mid(poss(row, c), Val(Digit), 1) = " " If Trim(poss(row, c)) = "" Then DeadEnd = True End If End If Next c 'col For r = 1 To 9 If r <> row Then Mid(poss(r, col), Val(Digit), 1) = " " If Trim(poss(r, col)) = "" Then DeadEnd = True End If End If Next r 'box box = GetBoxNumber(row, col) Call GetBoxInit(box, r, c) For x = r To r + 2 For y = c To c + 2 If x <> row Or y <> col Then Mid(poss(x, y), Val(Digit), 1) = " " If Trim(poss(x, y)) = "" Then DeadEnd = True End If End If Next y Next x End If Next col Next row End Sub Function PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions(puzzle As String, s1 As String, s2 As String) As Boolean '1). solve by brute force - incrementing cell value 1-9 '2). solve by brute force again - but cell value 9-1 'compare solutions. If identical, has only 1 solution 'forward 1-9 If PuzzleIsSolvable(puzzle, s1, True) Then 'backwards 9-1 If PuzzleIsSolvable(puzzle, s2, False) Then If s1 <> s2 Then PuzzleHasMultipleSolutions = True End If End If End If End Function Function FlipVert(puzzle As String) As String Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer 'flip vertically (not same as rotating 180) Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim temp As String Call FillCells(puzzle, Cell(), locked()) For x = 9 To 1 Step -1 For y = 1 To 9 temp = temp & Trim(Str(Cell(x, y))) Next y Next x FlipVert = temp End Function Function Rotate90Right(puzzle As String) As String 'puzzle must be an 81 characters string of numbers 'returns modified 81 character string Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim temp As String Call FillCells(puzzle, Cell(), locked()) For y = 1 To 9 For x = 9 To 1 Step -1 temp = temp & Trim(Str(Cell(x, y))) Next x Next y Rotate90Right = temp End Function Function Rotate90Left(puzzle As String) As String 'puzzle must be an 81 characters string of numbers 'returns modified 81 character string Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim temp As String Call FillCells(puzzle, Cell(), locked()) For y = 9 To 1 Step -1 For x = 1 To 9 temp = temp & Trim(Str(Cell(x, y))) Next x Next y Rotate90Left = temp End Function Function FlipHorz(puzzle As String) As String 'puzzle must be an 81 characters string of numbers 'returns modified 81 character string 'flip horizontally Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim temp As String Call FillCells(puzzle, Cell(), locked()) For x = 1 To 9 For y = 9 To 1 Step -1 temp = temp & Trim(Str(Cell(x, y))) Next y Next x FlipHorz = temp End Function Function Rotate180(puzzle As String) As String 'puzzle must be an 81 characters string of numbers 'returns modified 81 character string 'rotate 180 (not the same as flipping vertically) Dim Cell(9, 9) As Integer Dim locked(9, 9) As Boolean Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim temp As String Call FillCells(puzzle, Cell(), locked()) For x = 9 To 1 Step -1 For y = 9 To 1 Step -1 temp = temp & Trim(Str(Cell(x, y))) Next y Next x Rotate180 = temp End Function Function GetCellFromString(row As Integer, col As Integer, MyString As String) As String 'mystring is 81 character string (solved puzzle) 'return the digit for row,col (return a 1 character string, not the value) Dim x As Integer x = (row - 1) * 9 + col GetCellFromString = Mid(MyString, x, 1) End Function Function HasConflicts(Cell() As Integer, locked() As Boolean) As Boolean 'look for a row, column, or box with multiple instance of same number Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim MyNum As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim box As Integer Dim r1 As Integer Dim c1 As Integer 'check each solved cell for conflicts For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) <> 0 Then MyNum = Cell(row, col) 'check row For x = 1 To 9 If x <> col Then If Cell(row, x) = MyNum Then HasConflicts = True Exit Function End If End If Next x 'check column For x = 1 To 9 If x <> row Then If Cell(x, col) = MyNum Then HasConflicts = True Exit Function End If End If Next x 'check box box = GetBoxNumber(row, col) Call GetBoxInit(box, r1, c1) For x = r1 To r1 + 2 For y = c1 To c1 + 2 If x <> row Or y <> col Then If Cell(x, y) = MyNum Then HasConflicts = True Exit Function End If End If Next y Next x End If Next col Next row End Function Sub SearchForSingles(Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, locked() As Boolean, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'look for hidden/naked single Dim Repeat As Boolean Do Repeat = False 'repeat allows search for naked singles when hidden singles are found 'look for naked singles Call PromoteNakedSingles(Cell(), poss(), Repeat, DeadEnd) 'repeat is false then no naked singles found If DeadEnd Then Exit Do End If 'look for hidden singles If Not Repeat Then Call PromoteHiddenSingles(Cell(), poss(), Repeat, DeadEnd) End If Loop While Repeat 'found a single, recheck End Sub Sub NextCell(row As Integer, col As Integer) col = col + 1 If col > 9 Then col = 1 row = row + 1 If row > 9 Then row = -1 'flag returned to calling subroutine End If End If End Sub Sub PrevCell(row As Integer, col As Integer) col = col - 1 If col < 1 Then col = 9 row = row - 1 If row < 1 Then row = -1 'flag returned to calling subroutine End If End If End Sub Function RowHasNumber(row As Integer, col As Integer, Digit As Integer, Cell() As Integer) As Boolean 'return true is any cell in this row = digit Dim c As Integer For c = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, c) = Digit Then RowHasNumber = True Exit For End If Next c End Function Function ColumnHasNumber(row As Integer, col As Integer, Digit As Integer, Cell() As Integer) As Boolean 'return true is any cell in this column = digit Dim r As Integer For r = 1 To 9 If Cell(r, col) = Digit Then ColumnHasNumber = True Exit For End If Next r End Function Function BoxHasNumber(row As Integer, col As Integer, Digit As Integer, Cell() As Integer) As Boolean 'find the box where current cell(row,col) is located 'return true is any cell in this box = digit Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim r1 As Integer Dim c1 As Integer Dim box As Integer box = GetBoxNumber(row, col) Call GetBoxInit(box, r1, c1) 'r1/c1 are coordinates for upper left cell in box For r = r1 To r1 + 2 For c = c1 To c1 + 2 If Cell(r, c) = Digit Then BoxHasNumber = True Exit For End If Next c Next r End Function Sub FillCells(MyPuzzle As String, Cell() As Integer, locked() As Boolean) 'mypuzzle must be an 81 character string of numbers 0 - 9 'this sub fills the two arrays, cell(row,col) and locked(row,col) 'these array must diminsioned by the calling routine ' ' Dim Cell(9,9) as Integer ' Dim locked(9,9) as boolean ' 'non zero cells have locked() value = true, indicating that these cells are givens (hints) On Error GoTo myerror Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim Digit As String row = 1 For x = 1 To 81 Digit = Mid(MyPuzzle, x, 1) col = col + 1 If col > 9 Then col = 1 row = row + 1 End If Cell(row, col) = Val(Digit) locked(row, col) = (Val(Digit) <> 0) Next x Exit Sub myerror: MsgBox Error(Err), vbExclamation, "Error in Sub FillCells()" End Sub Sub PromoteHiddenSingles(Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, Repeat As Boolean, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'check puzzle for hidden singles in any house. Update cell() when found 'the boolean REPEAT tells the calling routine that a hidden single was found Dim rowh(9) As Integer 'cell values for any particular house Dim colH(9) As Integer Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim box As Integer 'do all rows For row = 1 To 9 Call HouseArrayRow(rowh(), colH(), row) 'get cell locations for all cells in this row Call FindHiddenSingleInHouse(rowh(), colH(), Cell(), poss(), Repeat, DeadEnd) If Repeat Then Exit Sub Next row 'columns For col = 1 To 9 Call HouseArrayCol(rowh(), colH(), col) 'get cell locations for all cells in this column Call FindHiddenSingleInHouse(rowh(), colH(), Cell(), poss(), Repeat, DeadEnd) If Repeat Then Exit Sub Next col 'box For box = 1 To 9 Call HouseArrayBox(rowh(), colH(), box) 'get cell locations for all cells in this box Call FindHiddenSingleInHouse(rowh(), colH(), Cell(), poss(), Repeat, DeadEnd) Next box End Sub Sub FindHiddenSingleInHouse(rowh() As Integer, colH() As Integer, Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, Repeat As Boolean, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'look for hidden single in this house 'cells for this house are in cells rowH(1-9) and colH(1-9) 'if hidden single is found, Cell(row,col) array and poss(row,col) array are updated and the REPEAT (boolean) returns TRUE Dim Digit As Integer Dim DS As String Dim fr As Integer 'row of found cell Dim fc As Integer 'col of found cell Dim count As Integer Dim ThisCell As Integer 'count how many times each digit (1-9) is present in house For Digit = 1 To 9 DS = Trim(Str(Digit)) count = 0 For ThisCell = 1 To 9 'look at all the poss() for this house If InStr(poss(rowh(ThisCell), colH(ThisCell)), Digit) <> 0 Then 'digit is present in poss() count = count + 1 fr = rowh(ThisCell) fc = colH(ThisCell) End If Next ThisCell If count = 1 Then 'hidden single was found in cell(fr,fc) If Cell(fr, fc) = 0 Then Cell(fr, fc) = Val(Digit) 'assign value to cell 'now remove candidate (digit) from visible cells Call UpdateRelatedCells(fr, fc, Val(Digit), Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) 'DeadEnd is true if any related cell has a poss() of " " (no possible candidates) If DeadEnd Then Exit Sub Repeat = True Exit Sub End If End If Next Digit End Sub Sub HouseArrayRow(rowh() As Integer, colH() As Integer, row As Integer) 'return set of cells for this row 'rowh() and colH() must be diminisioned by calling subroutine (Dim rowH(9) as integer) Dim x As Integer For x = 1 To 9 rowh(x) = row colH(x) = x Next x End Sub Sub HouseArrayCol(rowh() As Integer, colH() As Integer, col As Integer) 'return set of cells for this column 'rowh() and colH() must be diminisioned by calling subroutine (Dim rowH(9) as integer) Dim x As Integer For x = 1 To 9 rowh(x) = x colH(x) = col Next x End Sub Sub HouseArrayBox(rowh() As Integer, colH() As Integer, box As Integer) 'return set of cells for this box 'rowh() and colH() must be diminisioned by calling subroutine (Dim rowH(9) as integer) Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim r As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim counter As Integer Call GetBoxInit(box, row, col) 'find upper left cell of box For r = row To row + 2 For c = col To col + 2 counter = counter + 1 rowh(counter) = r colH(counter) = c Next c Next r End Sub Function FoundDeadEnd(Cell() As Integer, poss() As String) As Boolean 'look at each cell. if any cell has Cell() = 0 (unsolved) and Poss() = "" , then dead end ' ie. Cell is unsolved but no possible candidates remain ' Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) = 0 Then 'unsolved cell - should have candidates in poss(row,col) array If Trim(poss(row, col)) = "" Then 'dead end FoundDeadEnd = True Exit Function End If End If Next col Next row FoundDeadEnd = False End Function Sub ClearCells(Cell() As Integer, locked() As Boolean, poss() As String) Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer 'clear all cells For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 Cell(row, col) = 0 poss(row, col) = "123456789" locked(row, col) = False Next col Next row End Sub Sub ClearPoss(poss() As String) Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer 'clear all poss values to "123456789" (all possible candidates in each cell) For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 poss(row, col) = "123456789" Next col Next row End Sub Function PuzzleIsDone(Cell() As Integer) As Boolean ' true when all cells are non zero Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) = 0 Then Exit Function End If Next col Next row PuzzleIsDone = True End Function Sub PromoteNakedSingles(Cell() As Integer, poss() As String, Repeat As Boolean, DeadEnd As Boolean) 'look in all 81 cells for naked single. promote if found (update cell() and poss() arrays) ' ie. if poss(row,col) value = " 2 " then cell has naked single 2 Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Dim MyNum As Integer For row = 1 To 9 For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) = 0 Then If Len(Trim(poss(row, col))) = 1 Then 'found naked single 'set the cell MyNum = Val(poss(row, col)) Cell(row, col) = MyNum 'update related poss() array for related cells (remove mynum) Call UpdateRelatedCells(row, col, MyNum, Cell(), poss(), DeadEnd) If DeadEnd Then Exit Sub End If Repeat = True 'tell calling routine that at least 1 naked single was found End If End If Next col Next row End Sub Function GetBoxInit(box As Integer, r1 As Integer, c1 As Integer) 'return r1 and c1 (top left cell of box) 'find row (r1) Select Case box Case 1, 2, 3 'band 1 top row is 1 r1 = 1 Case 4, 5, 6 'band 2 top row is 4 r1 = 4 Case 7, 8, 9 'band 3 top row is 7 r1 = 7 End Select 'find col (c1) Select Case box Case 1, 4, 7 'stack 1 col = 1 c1 = 1 Case 2, 5, 8 'stack 2 col = 4 c1 = 4 Case 3, 6, 9 'stack 3 col = 7 c1 = 7 End Select End Function Function GetBoxNumber(row As Integer, col As Integer) As Integer Select Case row Case 1, 2, 3 'band 1 Select Case col Case 1, 2, 3 'stack 1 GetBoxNumber = 1 Case 4, 5, 6 'stack 2 GetBoxNumber = 2 Case 7, 8, 9 'stack 3 GetBoxNumber = 3 End Select Case 4, 5, 6 'band 2 Select Case col Case 1, 2, 3 'stack 1 GetBoxNumber = 4 Case 4, 5, 6 'stack 2 GetBoxNumber = 5 Case 7, 8, 9 'stack 3 GetBoxNumber = 6 End Select Case 7, 8, 9 'band 3 Select Case col Case 1, 2, 3 'stack 1 GetBoxNumber = 7 Case 4, 5, 6 'stack 2 GetBoxNumber = 8 Case 7, 8, 9 'stack 3 GetBoxNumber = 9 End Select End Select End Function Function GetRandomNumber(Max As Integer) As Integer 'return 1-max Dim z As Integer Do Randomize Timer z = Rnd(Timer) * Max Loop While z < 1 GetRandomNumber = z End Function Function StringIsASolvedPuzzle(puzzle As String) As Boolean '81 characters 'all 1-9 'valid Dim x As Integer Dim MyChar As String If Len(puzzle) = 81 Then For x = 1 To Len(puzzle) MyChar = Mid(puzzle, x, 1) Select Case Asc(MyChar) '1-9 is ascii characters 49 - 58 Case 49 To 57 'cool Case Else Exit Function 'return false End Select Next x Else 'not 81 characters Exit Function End If '81 characters, all numbers 1-9 'now check for validity If PuzzleIsSolvable(puzzle, "", True) Then StringIsASolvedPuzzle = True End If End Function Function PuzzleHasIllegalCharacters(puzzle As String) As Boolean 'check the character in the 81 digit string, look for illegal characters Dim x As Integer Dim MyChar As String For x = 1 To Len(puzzle) MyChar = Mid(puzzle, x, 1) Select Case Asc(MyChar) '0-9 is ascii characters 48 - 58 Case 48 To 57 'cool Case Else PuzzleHasIllegalCharacters = True End Select Next x End Function Function NumIsInRow(row As Integer, MyNum As Integer, Cell() As Integer) As Boolean Dim col As Integer For col = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) = MyNum Then NumIsInRow = True End If Next col End Function Function NumIsInCol(col As Integer, MyNum As Integer, Cell() As Integer) As Boolean Dim row As Integer For row = 1 To 9 If Cell(row, col) = MyNum Then NumIsInCol = True End If Next row End Function Function NumIsInBox(row As Integer, col As Integer, MyNum As Integer, Cell() As Integer) As Boolean Dim box As Integer Dim r1 As Integer Dim c1 As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer box = GetBoxNumber(row, col) 'find top left of box Call GetBoxInit(box, r1, c1) For x = r1 To r1 + 2 For y = c1 To c1 + 2 If Cell(x, y) = MyNum Then NumIsInBox = True End If Next y Next x End Function