Parachutist magazine January 1974


This issue of PARACHUTIST started my skydiving experience.  I was stationed in Ramstein
Germany in 1974 when if found the January 1974 issue in the magazine rack in our barracks. 
I got intrigued and read the whole thing.  Then I set out to find the guy whose name was on the
label.  I found Dave Marks (thanks Dave where ever you are).  He had made one static line
jump in Zweibrucken a few months earlier.  He showed me his logbook and his notes from the
first jump course.  I was immediately hooked and was ready to do it but it was near time to
return to the US.  I made the decision to find a drop zone as soon as I got established back

I was soon stationed on Lackland AFB in San Antonio Texas and discovered the
Alamo Skydivers run by ex Golden Knight Larry Van Horne.   In July 1975 I made my first
static line jump with Larry in Pleasanton, Texas.   I looked just like this picture:  motorcycle
helmet, combat boots, round C9 main, chest mount reserve.  I joined USPA right away
and received my first issue of PARACHUTIST in September 1975.    I never looked back. 
Funny how things get started.  If I hadn't found this magazine by accident, who know how I
would have spent the next 40 years.  Changed my life, that's for sure!