
   Manifest Master is shareware.  Download it (its free), use it,
distribute it, (but don't sell it).

We done this because, even though its an old DOS program and there
are other manifest programs available, drop zone are still using it and
new users are still requesting it.  Being a old DOS program, it has some
serious limitations in this Windows world (click here for more )

Click here to download Manifest Master

Installation Instructions:

1).  Download mm2000.exe.  Note the location on your system where mm2000.exe will be downloaded to.
2). Go to your download directory.  (If you can't find mm2000.exe, locate it using your START menu and click FIND)
3).  Run mm2000.exe.  Follow the directions.  The default directory will be C:\MANIFEST (change this if desired).
4).  Click UNZIP.  You should see a message like "47 FILES UNZIPPED SUCESSFULLY"
5).  Next go to your C:\MANIFEST directory
6).  Run MANIFEST.EXE  (or MANIFEST - the EXE might now be shown on your system)
7).  Also click on KWIKTOUR.TXT    for a quick tutorial on using Manifest Master
8).  Run MM_Manual.exe to create the full documentation for Manifest Master.

(return to main page)