Doc's EXTREME Daily Sudoku
30 October 2021     




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X wing X wing
Two String Kite Two String Kite
Empty rectangle (hinge) Empty rectangle (hinge)
Empty rectangle (hinge) Empty rectangle (hinge)
Turbot fish Turbot fish
Swordfish Swordfish
Colors Finned X wing
Finned X wing Two String Kite
Empty rectangle (hinge) Empty rectangle (hinge)
Turbot fish Colors
Finned X wing Finned X wing
Finned X wing Discontinuous Nice Loop
Grouped discontinuous nice loop Discontinuous Nice Loop
Grouped discontinuous nice loop Group AIC
Group AIC Discontinuous Nice Loop
A.I.C W wing
Empty rectangle (hinge) Finned X wing
A.I.C Discontinuous Nice Loop
X wing Two String Kite
Two String Kite Empty rectangle (hinge)
Empty rectangle (hinge) Empty rectangle (hinge)
Empty rectangle (hinge) Turbot fish
Turbot fish Turbot fish
Turbot fish XYZ Wing
Swordfish Colors
Colors Finned X wing
Finned X wing Two String Kite
Empty rectangle (hinge) Empty rectangle (hinge)
Turbot fish Turbot fish
XYZ Wing Colors
Finned X wing XY Wing
Discontinuous Nice Loop Discontinuous Nice Loop
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